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tear them to pieces, but met, however, with none of them, they
having taken effectual care to secure themselves.

One Cinna, a friend of Caesar’s, chanced the night before to have
an odd dream. He fancied that Caesar invited him to supper, and
that upon his refusal to go with him, Caesar took him by the hand
and forced him, though he hung back.

Upon hearing the report that Caesar’s body was burning in the
market-place, he got up and went thither, out of respect to his
memory, though his dream gave him some ill apprehensions, and
though he was suffering from a fever. One of the crowd who saw
him there asked another who that was, and having learned his
name, told it to his neighbour. It presently passed for a certainty
that he was one of Caesar’s murderers, as, indeed, there was
another Cinna, a conspirator, and they, taking this to be the man,
immediately seized him and tore him limb from limb upon the

Brutus and Cassius, frightened at this, within a few days retired
out of the city. What they afterwards did and suffered, and how
they died, is written in the Life of Brutus. Caesar died in his fifty-
sixth year, not having survived Pompey above four years. That
empire and power which he had pursued through the whole
course of his life with so much hazard, he did at last with much
difficulty compass, but reaped no other fruits from it than the
empty name and invidious glory. But the great genius which
attended him through his lifetime even after his death remained as
the avenger of his murder, pursuing through every sea and land all
those who were concerned in it, and suffering none to escape, but
reaching all who in any sort or kind were either actually engaged
in the fact, or by their counsels any way promoted it.

The most remarkable of mere human coincidences was that which
befell Cassius, who, when he was defeated at Philippi, killed
himself with the same dagger which he had made use of against
Caesar. The most signal preternatural appearances were the great
comet, which shone very bright for seven nights after Caesar’s
death, and then disappeared, and the dimness of the sun, whose
orb continued pale and dull for the whole of that year, never
showing its ordinary radiance at its rising, and giving but a weak
and feeble heat. The air consequently was damp and gross for want
of stronger rays to open and rarefy it. The fruits, for that reason,
never properly ripened, and began to wither and fall off for want
of heat before they were fully formed. But above all, the phantom
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