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most eminent and powerful men in Rome in great numbers came
to visit him at Lucca, Pompey, and Crassus, and Appius, the
governor of Sardinia, and Nepos, the pro-consul of Spain, so that
there were in the place at one time one hundred and twenty lictors
and more than two hundred senators. In deliberation here held, it
was determined that Pompey and Crassus should be consuls again
for the following year; that Caesar should have a fresh supply of
money, and that his command should be renewed to him for five
years more. It seemed very extravagant to all thinking men that
those very persons who had received so much money from Caesar
should persuade the senate to grant him more, as if he were in
want. Though in truth it was not so much upon persuasion as
compulsion that, with sorrow and groans for their own acts, they
passed the measure. Cato was not present, for they had sent him
seasonably out of the way into Cyprus; but Favonius, who was a
zealous imitator of Cato, when he found he could do no good by
opposing it, broke out of the house, and loudly declaimed against
these proceedings to the people, but none gave him any hearing;
some slighting him out of respect to Crassus and Pompey, and the
greater part to gratify Caesar, on whom depended their hopes.

After this, Caesar returned again to his forces in Gaul, when he
found that country involved in a dangerous war, two strong
nations of the Germans having lately passed the Rhine to conquer
it; one of them called the Usipes. the other the Tenteritae. Of the
war with the people, Caesar himself has given this account in his
commentaries, that the barbarians, having sent ambassadors to
treat with him, did, during the treaty, set upon him in his march,
by which means with eight hundred men they routed five
thousand of his horse, who did not suspect their coming; that
afterwards they sent other ambassadors to renew the same
fraudulent practices, whom he kept in custody, and led on his
army against the barbarians, as judging it mere simplicity to keep
faith with those who had so faithlessly broken the terms they had
agreed to. But Tanusius states that when the senate decreed
festivals and sacrifices for this victory, Cato declared it to be his
opinion that Caesar ought to be given into the hands of the
barbarians, that so the guilt which this breach of faith might
otherwise bring upon the state might be expiated by transferring
the curse on him, who was the occasion of it. Of those who passed
the Rhine, there were four hundred thousand cut off; those few
who escaped were sheltered by the Sugambri, a people of
Germany. Caesar took hold of this pretence to invade the Germans,
being at the same time ambitious of the honour of being the first
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