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“Hush!” cried Mrs. Linton. “Hush, this moment! You mention
that name and I end the matter instantly, by a spring from the
window! What you touch at present you may have; but my soul
will be on that hilltop before you lay hands on me again. I don’t
want you, Edgar; I’m past wanting you . . . Return to your books . .
. I’m glad you possess a consolation, for all you had in me is gone.”
“Her mind wanders, sir,” I interposed. “She has been talking
nonsense the whole evening; but let her have quiet, and proper
attendance, and she’ll rally. Hereafter we must be cautious how
we vex her.”

“I desire no further advice from you,” answered Mr. Linton.
“You knew your mistress’s nature, and you encouraged me to
harass her. And not to give me one hint of how she has been these
three days! It was heartless! Months of sickness could not cause
such a change!”

I began to defend myself, thinking it too bad to be blamed for
another’s wicked waywardness. “I knew Mrs. Linton’s nature to be
headstrong and domineering,” cried I; “but I didn’t know that you
wished to foster her fierce temper! I didn’t know that, to humour
her, I should wink at Mr. Heathcliff. I performed the duty of a
faithful servant in telling you, and I have got a faithful servant’s
wages! Well, it will teach me to be careful next time. Next time you
may gather intelligence for yourself!”

“The next time you bring a tale to me, you shall quit my service,
Ellen Dean,” he replied.

“You’d rather hear nothing about it, I suppose, then, Mr.
Linton?” said I. “Heathcliff has your permission to come a-
courting to Miss, and to drop in at every opportunity your absence
offers, on purpose to poison the mistress against you?”

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