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“Catherine ill?” he said, hastening to us. “Shut the window,
Ellen! Catherine! Why . . . ”

He was silent. The haggardness of Mrs. Linton’s appearance
smote him speechless, and he could only glance from her to me in
horrified astonishment.

“She’s been fretting here,” I continued, “and eating scarcely
anything, and never complaining; she would admit none of us till
this evening, and so we couldn’t inform you of her state, as we
were not aware of it ourselves; but it is nothing.”

I felt I uttered my explanations awkwardly; the master frowned.
“It is nothing, is it, Ellen Dean?” he said sternly. “You shall
account more clearly for keeping me ignorant of this!” And he
took his wife in his arms, and looked at her with anguish.

At first she gave him no glance of recognition; he was invisible
to her abstracted gaze. The delirium was not fixed, however;
having weaned her eyes from contemplating the outer darkness,
by degrees she centred her attention on him, and discovered who
it was that held her.

“Ah! you are come, are you, Edgar Linton?” she said with angry
animation . . . “You are one of those things that are ever found
when least wanted, and when you are wanted, never! I suppose we
shall have plenty of lamentations now . . . I see we shall . . . but
they can’t keep me from my narrow home out yonder--my resting
place, where I’m bound before spring is over! There it is: not
among the Lintons, mind, under the chapel-roof, but in the open
air, with a headstone; and you may please yourself, whether you
go to them or come to me!”

“Catherine, what have you done?” commenced the master.
“Am I nothing to you any more? Do you love that wretch Heath--”

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