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‘and you shun the contemplation of that dark future which must
be laden with so much misery to you. Defer this marriage for a
week. For but one week!’

‘He was talking, when you came upon us just now, with such
smiles as I remember to have seen of old, and have not seen for
many and many a day, of the freedom that was to come tomorrow,’
said Madeline, with momentary firmness, ‘of the welcome change,
the fresh air: all the new scenes and objects that would bring fresh
life to his exhausted frame. His eye grew bright, and his face
lightened at the thought. I will not defer it for an hour.’

‘These are but tricks and wiles to urge you on,’ cried Nicholas.
‘I’ll hear no more,’ said Madeline, hurriedly; ‘I have heard too
much--more than I should--already. What I have said to you, sir, I
have said as to that dear friend to whom I trust in you honourably
to repeat it. Some time hence, when I am more composed and
reconciled to my new mode of life, if I should live so long, I will
write to him. Meantime, all holy angels shower blessings on his
head, and prosper and preserve him.’

She was hurrying past Nicholas, when he threw himself before
her, and implored her to think, but once again, upon the fate to
which she was precipitately hastening.

‘There is no retreat,’ said Nicholas, in an agony of supplication;
‘no withdrawing! All regret will be unavailing, and deep and bitter
it must be. What can I say, that will induce you to pause at this last
moment? What can I do to save you?’

‘Nothing,’ she incoherently replied. ‘This is the hardest trial I
have had. Have mercy on me, sir, I beseech, and do not pierce my
heart with such appeals as these. I--I hear him calling. I--I--must
not, will not, remain here for another instant.’

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