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would be happiness to that which you must undergo as the wife of
such a man as this!’

Long before Nicholas ceased to speak, the young lady buried
her face in her hands, and gave her tears free way. In a voice at
first inarticulate with emotion, but gradually recovering strength
as she proceeded, she answered him:

‘I will not disguise from you, sir--though perhaps I ought--that
I have undergone great pain of mind, and have been nearly
broken-hearted since I saw you last. I do not love this gentleman.
The difference between our ages, tastes, and habits, forbids it.
This he knows, and knowing, still offers me his hand. By accepting
it, and by that step alone, I can release my father who is dying in
this place; prolong his life, perhaps, for many years; restore him to
comfort--I may almost call it affluence; and relieve a generous
man from the burden of assisting one, by whom, I grieve to say, his
noble heart is little understood. Do not think so poorly of me as to
believe that I feign a love I do not feel. Do not report so ill of me,
for that I could not bear. If I cannot, in reason or in nature, love
the man who pays this price for my poor hand, I can discharge the
duties of a wife: I can be all he seeks in me, and will. He is content
to take me as I am. I have passed my word, and should rejoice, not
weep, that it is so. I do. The interest you take in one so friendless
and forlorn as I, the delicacy with which you have discharged your
trust, the faith you have kept with me, have my warmest thanks:
and, while I make this last feeble acknowledgment, move me to
tears, as you see. But I do not repent, nor am I unhappy. I am
happy in the prospect of all I can achieve so easily. I shall be more
so when I look back upon it, and all is done, I know.’

‘Your tears fall faster as you talk of happiness,’ said Nicholas,

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