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had three sisters, each with two flaxen tails, and all good for
sixpence apiece, once a month at least, promptly deserted an old
gentleman whom he had just lathered for shaving, and handing
him over to the journeyman, (who was not very popular among the
ladies, by reason of his obesity and middle age,) waited on the
young lady himself.

Just as this change had been effected, there presented himself
for shaving, a big, burly, good-humoured coal-heaver with a pipe
in his mouth, who, drawing his hand across his chin, requested to
know when a shaver would be disengaged.

The journeyman, to whom this question was put, looked
doubtfully at the young proprietor, and the young proprietor
looked scornfully at the coal-heaver: observing at the same time:

‘You won’t get shaved here, my man.’
‘Why not?’ said the coal-heaver.

‘We don’t shave gentlemen in your line,’ remarked the young

‘Why, I see you a shaving of a baker, when I was a looking
through the winder, last week,’ said the coal-heaver.

‘It’s necessary to draw the line somewheres, my fine feller,’
replied the principal. ‘We draw the line there. We can’t go beyond
bakers. If we was to get any lower than bakers, our customers
would desert us, and we might shut up shop. You must try some
other establishment, sir. We couldn’t do it here.’

The applicant stared; grinned at Newman Noggs, who
appeared highly entertained; looked slightly round the shop, as if
in depreciation of the pomatum pots and other articles of stock;
took his pipe out of his mouth and gave a very loud whistle; and
then put it in again, and walked out.

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