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no more let me ask a favour where I thought there was a chance of
its being refused, than it would let me submit to see my children
trampled down and trod upon, by envy and lowness!’

Newman was too good-natured not to have consented, even
without this avowal of confidence on the part of Mrs Kenwigs.
Accordingly, a very few minutes had elapsed, when he and Miss
Morleena were on their way to the hairdresser’s.

It was not exactly a hair-dresser’s; that is to say, people of a
coarse and vulgar turn of mind might have called it a barber’s; for
they not only cut and curled ladies elegantly, and children
carefully, but shaved gentlemen easily. Still, it was a highly genteel
establishment--quite first-rate in fact--and there were displayed
in the window, besides other elegancies, waxen busts of a light
lady and a dark gentleman which were the admiration of the
whole neighbourhood. Indeed, some ladies had gone so far as to
assert, that the dark gentleman was actually a portrait of the
spirited young proprietor; and the great similarity between their
head-dresses--both wore very glossy hair, with a narrow walk
straight down the middle, and a profusion of flat circular curls on
both sides--encouraged the idea. The better informed among the
sex, however, made light of this assertion, for however willing they
were (and they were very willing) to do full justice to the
handsome face and figure of the proprietor, they held the
countenance of the dark gentleman in the window to be an
exquisite and abstract idea of masculine beauty, realised
sometimes, perhaps, among angels and military men, but very
rarely embodied to gladden the eyes of mortals.

It was to this establishment that Newman Noggs led Miss
Kenwigs in safety. The proprietor, knowing that Miss Kenwigs

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