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greatly increased when it was discovered that Kate had not the
least appetite for supper: a discovery so alarming that there is no
knowing in what unaccountable efforts of oratory Mrs Nickleby’s
apprehensions might have been vented, if the general attention
had not been attracted, at the moment, by a very strange and
uncommon noise, proceeding, as the pale and trembling servant
girl affirmed, and as everybody’s sense of hearing seemed to
affirm also, ‘right down’ the chimney of the adjoining room.

It being quite plain to the comprehension of all present that,
however extraordinary and improbable it might appear, the noise
did nevertheless proceed from the chimney in question; and the
noise (which was a strange compound of various shuffling, sliding,
rumbling, and struggling sounds, all muffled by the chimney) still
continuing, Frank Cheeryble caught up a candle, and Tim
Linkinwater the tongs, and they would have very quickly
ascertained the cause of this disturbance if Mrs Nickleby had not
been taken very faint, and declined being left behind, on any
account. This produced a short remonstrance, which terminated
in their all proceeding to the troubled chamber in a body,
excepting only Miss La Creevy, who, as the servant girl
volunteered a confession of having been subject to fits in her
infancy, remained with her to give the alarm and apply
restoratives, in case of extremity.

Advancing to the door of the mysterious apartment, they were
not a little surprised to hear a human voice, chanting with a highly
elaborated expression of melancholy, and in tones of suffocation
which a human voice might have produced from under five or six
feather-beds of the best quality, the once popular air of ‘Has she
then failed in her truth, the beautiful maid I adore?’ Nor, on

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