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great amount of laughter, made them very merry indeed.

Kate was commonly the life and soul of the conversation at
home; but she was more silent than usual upon this occasion
(perhaps because Tim and Miss La Creevy engrossed so much of
it), and, keeping aloof from the talkers, sat at the window watching
the shadows as the evening closed in, and enjoying the quiet
beauty of the night, which seemed to have scarcely less attractions
to Frank, who first lingered near, and then sat down beside, her.
No doubt, there are a great many things to be said appropriate to a
summer evening, and no doubt they are best said in a low voice, as
being most suitable to the peace and serenity of the hour; long
pauses, too, at times, and then an earnest word or so, and then
another interval of silence which, somehow, does not seem like
silence either, and perhaps now and then a hasty turning away of
the head, or drooping of the eyes towards the ground, all these
minor circumstances, with a disinclination to have candles
introduced and a tendency to confuse hours with minutes, are
doubtless mere influences of the time, as many lovely lips can
clearly testify. Neither is there the slightest reason why Mrs
Nickleby should have expressed surprise when, candles being at
length brought in, Kate’s bright eyes were unable to bear the light
which obliged her to avert her face, and even to leave the room for
some short time; because, when one has sat in the dark so long,
candles are dazzling, and nothing can be more strictly natural
than that such results should be produced, as all well-informed
young people know. For that matter, old people know it too, or did
know it once, but they forget these things sometimes, and more’s
the pity.

The good lady’s surprise, however, did not end here. It was

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