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gloating and dwelling upon the words as if he were loath to lose
the pleasure of saying them, ‘to restore a parent his child. Ay, sir,’
he continued, bending eagerly forward, and addressing Nicholas,
as he marked the change of his countenance, ‘to restore a parent
his child; his son, sir; trepanned, waylaid, and guarded at every
turn by you, with the base design of robbing him some day of any
little wretched pittance of which he might become possessed.’

‘In that, you know you lie,’ said Nicholas, proudly.
‘In this, I know I speak the truth. I have his father here,’
retorted Ralph.

‘Here!’ sneered Squeers, stepping forward. ‘Do you hear that?
Here! Didn’t I tell you to be careful that his father didn’t turn up
and send him back to me? Why, his father’s my friend; he’s to
come back to me directly, he is. Now, what do you say--eh!--
now--come--what do you say to that--an’t you sorry you took so
much trouble for nothing? an’t you? an’t you?’

‘You bear upon your body certain marks I gave you,’ said
Nicholas, looking quietly away, ‘and may talk in acknowledgment
of them as much as you please. You’ll talk a long time before you
rub them out, Mr Squeers.’

The estimable gentleman last named cast a hasty look at the
table, as if he were prompted by this retort to throw a jug or bottle
at the head of Nicholas, but he was interrupted in this design (if
such design he had) by Ralph, who, touching him on the elbow,
bade him tell the father that he might now appear and claim his

This being purely a labour of love, Mr Squeers readily
complied, and leaving the room for the purpose, almost
immediately returned, supporting a sleek personage with an oily

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