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the passage until such time as it should be expedient for him to
enter and he could appear with effect, was fain to present himself
in a somewhat undignified and sneaking way; at which John
Browdie laughed with such keen and heartfelt delight, that even
Kate, in all the pain, anxiety, and surprise of the scene, and
though the tears were in her eyes, felt a disposition to join him.

‘Have you done enjoying yourself, sir?’ said Ralph, at length.
‘Pratty nigh for the prasant time, sir,’ replied John.

‘I can wait,’ said Ralph. ‘Take your own time, pray.’
Ralph waited until there was a perfect silence, and then turning
to Mrs Nickleby, but directing an eager glance at Kate, as if more
anxious to watch his effect upon her, said:

‘Now, ma’am, listen to me. I don’t imagine that you were a party
to a very fine tirade of words sent me by that boy of yours, because
I don’t believe that under his control, you have the slightest will of
your own, or that your advice, your opinion, your wants, your
wishes, anything which in nature and reason (or of what use is
your great experience?) ought to weigh with him, has the slightest
influence or weight whatever, or is taken for a moment into

Mrs Nickleby shook her head and sighed, as if there were a
good deal in that, certainly.

‘For this reason,’ resumed Ralph, ‘I address myself to you,
ma’am. For this reason, partly, and partly because I do not wish to
be disgraced by the acts of a vicious stripling whom I was obliged
to disown, and who, afterwards, in his boyish majesty, feigns to--
ha! ha!--to disown me, I present myself here tonight. I have
another motive in coming: a motive of humanity. I come here,’ said
Ralph, looking round with a biting and triumphant smile, and

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