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forks with scarcely less address than their broad-swords, and as
the whole party were quite as sharp set as either class of weapons,
there was no time for talking until the supper had been disposed

The Master Crummleses had no sooner swallowed the last
procurable morsel of food, than they evinced, by various half-
suppressed yawns and stretchings of their limbs, an obvious
inclination to retire for the night, which Smike had betrayed still
more strongly: he having, in the course of the meal, fallen asleep
several times while in the very act of eating. Nicholas therefore
proposed that they should break up at once, but the manager
would by no means hear of it; vowing that he had promised
himself the pleasure of inviting his new acquaintance to share a
bowl of punch, and that if he declined, he should deem it very
unhandsome behaviour.

‘Let them go,’ said Mr Vincent Crummles, ‘and we’ll have it
snugly and cosily together by the fire.’

Nicholas was not much disposed to sleep--being in truth too
anxious--so, after a little demur, he accepted the offer, and having
exchanged a shake of the hand with the young Crummleses, and
the manager having on his part bestowed a most affectionate
benediction on Smike, he sat himself down opposite to that
gentleman by the fireside to assist in emptying the bowl, which
soon afterwards appeared, steaming in a manner which was quite
exhilarating to behold, and sending forth a most grateful and
inviting fragrance.

But, despite the punch and the manager, who told a variety of
stories, and smoked tobacco from a pipe, and inhaled it in the
shape of snuff, with a most astonishing power, Nicholas was

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