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While he was thus engaged, Mr Crummles looked, from time to
time, with great interest at Smike, with whom he had appeared
considerably struck from the first. He had now fallen asleep, and
was nodding in his chair.

‘Excuse my saying so,’ said the manager, leaning over to
Nicholas, and sinking his voice, ‘but what a capital countenance
your friend has got!’

‘Poor fellow!’ said Nicholas, with a half-smile, ‘I wish it were a
little more plump, and less haggard.’

‘Plump!’ exclaimed the manager, quite horrified, ‘you’d spoil it
for ever.’

‘Do you think so?’
‘Think so, sir! Why, as he is now,’ said the manager, striking his
knee emphatically; ‘without a pad upon his body, and hardly a
touch of paint upon his face, he’d make such an actor for the
starved business as was never seen in this country. Only let him be
tolerably well up in the Apothecary in Romeo and Juliet, with the
slightest possible dab of red on the tip of his nose, and he’d be
certain of three rounds the moment he put his head out of the
practicable door in the front grooves O.P.’

‘You view him with a professional eye,’ said Nicholas, laughing.
‘And well I may,’ rejoined the manager. ‘I never saw a young
fellow so regularly cut out for that line, since I’ve been in the
profession. And I played the heavy children when I was eighteen
months old.’

The appearance of the beef-steak pudding, which came in
simultaneously with the junior Vincent Crummleses, turned the
conversation to other matters, and indeed, for a time, stopped it
altogether. These two young gentlemen wielded their knives and

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