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There was no time to inquire to what this exclamation, which
was delivered in a very rapturous tone, referred; for he had
already thrown open the door of the room; into which Nicholas,
followed by Smike with the bundle on his shoulder (he carried it
about with him as vigilantly as if it had been a sack of gold),
straightway repaired.

Nicholas was prepared for something odd, but not for
something quite so odd as the sight he encountered. At the upper
end of the room, were a couple of boys, one of them very tall and
the other very short, both dressed as sailors--or at least as
theatrical sailors, with belts, buckles, pigtails, and pistols
complete--fighting what is called in play-bills a terrific combat,
with two of those short broad-swords with basket hilts which are
commonly used at our minor theatres. The short boy had gained a
great advantage over the tall boy, who was reduced to mortal
strait, and both were overlooked by a large heavy man, perched
against the corner of a table, who emphatically adjured them to
strike a little more fire out of the swords, and they couldn’t fail to
bring the house down, on the very first night.

‘Mr Vincent Crummles,’ said the landlord with an air of great
deference. ‘This is the young gentleman.’

Mr Vincent Crummles received Nicholas with an inclination of
the head, something between the courtesy of a Roman emperor
and the nod of a pot companion; and bade the landlord shut the
door and begone.

‘There’s a picture,’ said Mr Crummles, motioning Nicholas not
to advance and spoil it. ‘The little ’un has him; if the big ’un
doesn’t knock under, in three seconds, he’s a dead man. Do that
again, boys.’

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