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‘Many happy returns of the day, my dear,’ replied the collector,
returning the compliment.

Now, this was an interesting thing. Here was a collector of
water-rates, without his book, without his pen and ink, without his
double knock, without his intimidation, kissing--actually kissing--
an agreeable female, and leaving taxes, summonses, notices that
he had called, or announcements that he would never call again,
for two quarters’ due, wholly out of the question. It was pleasant to
see how the company looked on, quite absorbed in the sight, and
to behold the nods and winks with which they expressed their
gratification at finding so much humanity in a tax-gatherer.

‘Where will you sit, uncle?’ said Mrs Kenwigs, in the full glow of
family pride, which the appearance of her distinguished relation

‘Anywheres, my dear,’ said the collector, ‘I am not particular.’
Not particular! What a meek collector! If he had been an
author, who knew his place, he couldn’t have been more humble.

‘Mr Lillyvick,’ said Kenwigs, addressing the collector, ‘some
friends here, sir, are very anxious for the honour of--thank you--
Mr and Mrs Cutler, Mr Lillyvick.’

‘Proud to know you, sir,’ said Mr Cutler; ‘I’ve heerd of you very
often.’ These were not mere words of ceremony; for, Mr Cutler,
having kept house in Mr Lillyvick’s parish, had heard of him very
often indeed. His attention in calling had been quite

‘George, you know, I think, Mr Lillyvick,’ said Kenwigs; ‘lady
from downstairs--Mr Lillyvick. Mr Snewkes--Mr Lillyvick. Miss
Green--Mr Lillyvick. Mr Lillyvick--Miss Petowker of the Theatre
Royal, Drury Lane. Very glad to make two public characters

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