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wery good thing--but when that joke is made at the expense of
Mrs Kenwigs’s feelings, I set my face against it. A man in public
life expects to be sneered at--it is the fault of his elewated
sitiwation, and not of himself. Mrs Kenwigs’s relation is a public
man, and that he knows, George, and that he can bear; but putting
Mrs Kenwigs out of the question (if I could put Mrs Kenwigs out of
the question on such an occasion as this), I have the honour to be
connected with the collector by marriage; and I cannot allow these
remarks in my--’ Mr Kenwigs was going to say ‘house,’ but he
rounded the sentence with ‘apartments’.

At the conclusion of these observations, which drew forth
evidences of acute feeling from Mrs Kenwigs, and had the
intended effect of impressing the company with a deep sense of
the collector’s dignity, a ring was heard at the bell.

‘That’s him,’ whispered Mr Kenwigs, greatly excited. ‘Morleena,
my dear, run down and let your uncle in, and kiss him directly you
get the door open. Hem! Let’s be talking.’

Adopting Mr Kenwigs’s suggestion, the company spoke very
loudly, to look easy and unembarrassed; and almost as soon as
they had begun to do so, a short old gentleman in drabs and
gaiters, with a face that might have been carved out of lignum
vitae, for anything that appeared to the contrary, was led playfully
in by Miss Morleena Kenwigs, regarding whose uncommon
Christian name it may be here remarked that it had been invented
and composed by Mrs Kenwigs previous to her first lying-in, for
the special distinction of her eldest child, in case it should prove a

‘Oh, uncle, I am so glad to see you,’ said Mrs Kenwigs, kissing
the collector affectionately on both cheeks. ‘So glad!’

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