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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Call Of The Wild by Jack London
The Yeehats were dancing about the wreckage of the spruce-bough
lodge when they heard a fearful roaring and saw rushing upon
them an animal the like of which they had never seen before. It was
Buck, a live hurricane of fury, hurling himself upon them in a
frenzy to destroy. He sprang at the foremost man (it was the chief
of the Yeehats), ripping the throat wide open till the rent jugular
spouted a fountain of blood. He did not pause to worry the victim,
but ripped in passing, with the next bound tearing wide the throat
of a second man. There was no withstanding him. He plunged
about in their very midst, tearing, rending, destroying, in constant
and terrific motion which defied the arrows they discharged at
him. In fact, so inconceivably rapid were his movements, and so
closely were the Indians tangled together, that they shot one
another with the arrows; and one young hunter, hurling a spear at
Buck in mid air, drove it through the chest of another hunter with
such force that the point broke through the skin of the back and
stood out beyond. Then a panic seized the Yeehats, and they fled in
terror to the woods, proclaiming as they fled the advent of the Evil

And truly Buck was the Fiend incarnate, raging at their heels and
dragging them down like deer as they raced through the trees. It
was a fateful day for the Yeehats. They scattered far and wide over
the country, and it was not till a week later that the last of the
survivors gathered together in a lower valley and counted their
losses. As for Buck, wearying of the pursuit, he returned to the
desolated camp. He found Pete where he had been killed in his
blankets in the first moment of surprise. Thornton’s desperate
struggle was fresh-written on the earth, and Buck scented every
detail of it down to the edge of a deep pool. By the edge, head and
fore feet in the water, lay Skeet, faithful to the last. The pool itself,
muddy and discoloured from the sluice boxes, effectually hid what
it contained, and it contained John Thornton; for Buck followed his
trace into the water, from which no trace led away.

All day Buck brooded by the pool or roamed restlessly about the

Death, as a cessation of movement, as a passing out and away from
the lives of the living, he knew, and he knew that John Thornton
was dead. It left a great void in him, somewhat akin to hunger, but
a void which ached and ached, and which food could not fill. At
times when he paused to contemplate the carcasses of the Yeehats,
he forgot the pain of it; and at such times he was aware of a great
pride in himself-a pride greater than any he had yet experienced.
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