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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Call Of The Wild by Jack London
savage temper, and, standing over six feet from the ground, was as
formidable an antagonist as even Buck could desire. Back and forth
the bull tossed his great palmated antlers branching to fourteen
points and embracing seven feet within the tips. His small eyes
burned with a vicious and bitter light, while he roared with fury at
sight of Buck.

From the bull’s side, just forward of the flank, protruded a
feathered arrowend, which accounted for his savageness. Guided
by that instinct which came from the old hunting days of the
primordial world, Buck proceeded to cut the bull out from the
herd. It was no slight task. He would bark and dance about in front
of the bull, just out of reach of the great antlers and of the terrible
splay hoofs which could have stamped his life out with a single
blow. Unable to turn his back on the fanged danger and go on, the
bull would be driven into paroxysms of rage.

At such moments he charged Buck, who retreated craftily, luring
him on by a simulated inability to escape. But when he was thus
separated from his fellows, two or three of the younger bulls
would charge back upon Buck and enable the wounded bull to
rejoin the herd.

There is a patience of the wild-dogged, tireless, persistent as life
itself-that holds motionless for endless hours the spider in its web,
the snake in its coils, the panther in its ambuscade; this patience
belongs peculiarly to life when it hunts its living food; and it
belonged to Buck as he clung to the flank of the herd, retarding its
march, irritating the young bulls, worrying the cows with their
half-grown calves, and driving the wounded bull mad with
helpless rage. For half a day this continued. Buck multiplied
himself, attacking from all sides, enveloping the herd in a
whirlwind of menace, cutting out his victim as fast as it could
rejoin its mates, wearing out the patience of creatures preyed upon,
which is a lesser patience than that of creatures preying.

As the day wore along and the sun dropped to its bed in the north-
west (the darkness had come back and the fall nights were six
hours long), the young bulls retraced their steps more and more
reluctantly to the aid of their beset leader. The down-coming
winter was harrying them on to the lower levels, and it seemed
they could never shake off this tireless creature that held them
back. Besides, it was not the life of the herd, or of the young bulls,
that was threatened. The life of only one member was demanded,
which was a remoter interest than their lives, and in the end they
were content to pay the toll.
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