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in the woods, but the wild brother came no more; and though he
listened through long vigils, the mournful howl was never raised.

He began to sleep out at night, staying away from the camp for
days at a time; and once he crossed the divide at the head of the
creek and went down into the land of timber and streams. There he
wandered for a week, seeking vainly for fresh signs of the wild
brother, killing his meat as he travelled and travelling with the
long easy lope that seems never to tire. He fished for salmon in a
broad stream that emptied somewhere into the sea, and by this
stream he killed a large black bear, blinded by the mosquitoes
while likewise fishing, and raging through the forest helpless and
terrible. Even so, it was a hard fight, and it aroused the last latent
remnants of Buck’s ferocity. And two days later, when he returned
to his kill and found a dozen wolverenes quarrelling over the spoil,
he scattered them like chaff; and those that fled left two behind
who would quarrel no more.

The blood-longing became stronger than ever before. He was a
killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided,
alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving
triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong
survived. Because of all this he became possessed of a great pride
in himself, which communicated itself like a contagion to his
physical being. It advertised itself in all his movements, was
apparent in the play of every muscle, spoke plainly as speech in the
way he carried himself and made his glorious furry coat if
anything more glorious. But for the stray brown on his muzzle and
above his eyes, and for the splash of white hair that ran midmost
down his chest, he might well have been mistaken for a gigantic
wolf, larger than the largest of the breed. From his St. Bernard
father he had inherited size and weight, but it was his shepherd
mother who had given shape to that size and weight. His muzzle
was the long wolf muzzle, save that it was larger than the muzzle
of any wolf; and his head, somewhat broader, was the wolf head
on a massive scale.

His cunning was wolf cunning, and wild cunning; his intelligence,
shepherd intelligence and St. Bernard intelligence; and all this, plus
an experience gained in the fiercest of schools, made him as
formidable a creature as any that roamed the wild. A carnivorous
animal, living on a straight meat diet, he was in full flower, at the
high tide of his life, over-spilling with vigour and virility. When
Thornton passed a caressing hand along his back, a snapping and
cracking followed the hand, each hair discharging its pent
magnetism at the contact. Every part, brain nerve tissue and fibre,
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