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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Call Of The Wild by Jack London
inability to get under way earlier in the morning prevented them
from travelling longer hours. Not only did they not know how to
work dogs, but they did not know how to work themselves.

The first to go was Dub. Poor blundering thief that he was, always
getting caught and punished, he had none the less been a faithful
worker. His wrenched shoulder-blade, untreated and unrested,
went from bad to worse, till finally Hal shot him with the big Colt’s
revolver. It is a saying of the country that an Outside dog starves to
death on the ration of the husky, so the six Outside dogs under
Buck could do no less than die on half the ration of the husky. The
Newfoundland went first, followed by the three short-haired
pointers, the two mongrels hanging more grittily on to life, but
going in the end.

By this time all the amenities and gentlenesses of the Southland
had fallen away from the three people. Shorn of its glamour and
romance, Arctic travel became to them a reality too harsh for their
manhood and womanhood. Mercedes ceased weeping over the
dogs, being too occupied with weeping over herself and with
quarrelling with her husband and brother. To quarrel was the one
thing they were never too weary to do. Their irritability arose out
of their misery, increased with it, doubled upon it, outdistanced it.
The wonderful patience of the trail which comes to men who toil
hard and suffer sore, and remain sweet of speech and kindly, did
not come to these two men and the woman. They had no inkling of
such a patience. They were stiff and in pain; their muscles ached,
their bones ached, their very hearts ached; and because of this they
became sharp of speech, and hard words were first on their lips in
the morning and last at night.

Charles and Hal wrangled whenever Mercedes gave them a
chance. It was the cherished belief of each that he did more than his
share of the work, and neither forbore to speak his belief at every
opportunity. Sometimes Mercedes sided with her husband,
sometimes with her brother. The result was a beautiful and
unending family quarrel. Starting from a dispute as to which
should chop a few sticks for the fire (a dispute which concerned
only Charles and Hal), presently would be lugged in the rest of the
family, fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, people thousands of miles
away and some of them dead. That Hal’s views on art, or the sort
of society plays his mother’s brother wrote, should have anything
to do with the chopping of a few sticks of firewood, passes
comprehension; nevertheless the quarrel was as likely to tend in
that direction as in the direction of Charles’s political prejudices.
And that Charles’s sister’s tale-bearing tongue should be relevant
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