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excesses. Lord Bracknell would be highly displeased if he learned
that that was the way in which you wasted your time and money.

CHAS Am I to understand then that there are to be no christenings
at all this afternoon? JACK I don’t think that, as things are now, it
would be of much practical value to either of us, Dr. Chasuble.

CHAS I am grieved to hear such sentiments from you, Mr.

They savour of the heretical views of the Anabaptists, views that I
have completely refuted in four of my unpublished sermons.
However, as your present mood seems to be one peculiarly secular,
I will return to the church at once. Indeed, I have just been
informed by the pew-opener that for the last hour and a half Miss
Prism has been waiting for me in the vestry.



Miss Prism! Did I hear you mention a Miss Prism? CHAS Yes,
Lady Bracknell. I am on my way to join her.

LADY BRA Pray, allow me to detain you for a moment. This
matter may prove to be one of vital importance to Lord Bracknell
and myself. Is this Miss Prism a female of repellent aspect,
remotely connected with education? CHAS

[Somewhat indignantly.]

She is the most cultivated of ladies, and the very picture of

LADY BRA It is obviously the same person. May I ask what
position she holds in your household?


I am a celibate, madam.



Miss Prism, Lady Bracknell, has been for the last three years Miss
Cardew’s esteemed governess and valued companion.

LADY BRA In spite of what I hear of her, I must see her at once.
Let her be sent for.
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