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attractive at the age you mention than she is at present. There will
be a large accumulation of property.

CEC Algy, could you wait for me till I was thirty-five? ALG Of
course I could, Cecily. You know I could.

CEC Yes, I felt it instinctively, but I couldn’t wait all that time. I
hate waiting even five minutes for anybody. It always makes me
rather cross. I am not punctual myself, I know, but I do like
punctuality in others, and waiting, even to be married, is quite out
of the question.

ALG Then what is to be done, Cecily?
CEC I don’t know, Mr. Moncrieff.
LADY BRA My dear Mr. Worthing, as Miss Cardew states
positively that she cannot wait till she is thirty-five-a remark
which I am bound to say seems to me to show a somewhat
impatient nature-I would beg of you to reconsider your decision.

JACK But, my dear Lady Bracknell, the matter is entirely in your
own hands. The moment you consent to my marriage with
Gwendolen, I will most gladly allow your nephew to form an
alliance with my ward.


[Rising and drawing herself up.]
You must be quite aware that what you propose is out of the

JACK Then a passionate celibacy is all that any of us can look
forward to.

LADY BRA That is not the destiny I propose for Gwendolen.
Algernon, of course, can choose for himself.

[Pulls out her watch.]
Come, dear;
[Gwendolen rises.]
we have already missed five, if not six, trains. To miss any more
might expose us to comment on the platform.

[Enter Dr. Chasuble.]
CHAS Everything is quite ready for the christenings.
LADY BRA The christenings, sir! Is not that somewhat premature?
CHAS [Looking rather puzzled, and pointing to Jack and
Algernon.] Both these gentlemen have expressed a desire for
immediate baptism.

LADY BRA At their age? The idea is grotesque and irreligious!
Algernon, I forbid you to be baptised. I will not hear of such
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