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Miss Cardew is the granddaughter of the late Mr. Thomas Cardew
of 149, Belgrave Square, S.W.; Gervase Park, Dorking, Surrey; and
the Sporran, Fifeshire, N.B.

LADY BRA That sounds not unsatisfactory. Three addresses
always inspire confidence, even in tradesmen. But what proof have
I of their authenticity.

JACK I have carefully preserved the Court Guides of the period.
They are open to your inspection, Lady Bracknell.


I have known strange errors in that publication.
JACK Miss Cardew’s family solicitors are Messrs. Markby,
Markby, and Markby.

LADY BRA Markby, Markby, and Markby? A firm of the very
highest position in their profession. Indeed I am told that one of the
Mr. Markbys is occasionally to be seen at dinner parties. So far I am

JACK [Very irritably.] How extremely kind of you, Lady Bracknell!
I have also in my possession, you will be pleased to hear,
certificates of Miss Cardew’s birth, baptism, whooping cough,
registration, vaccination, confirmation, and the measles; both the
German and the English variety.

LADY BRA Ah! A life crowded with incident, I see; though
perhaps somewhat too exciting for a young girl. I am not myself in
favour of premature experiences.

[Rises, looks at her watch.]

Gwendolen! the time approaches for our departure. We have not a
moment to lose. As a matter of form, Mr. Worthing, I had better
ask you if Miss Cardew has any little fortune.

JACK Oh! about a hundred and thirty thousand pounds in the

That is all. Good-bye, Lady Bracknell. So pleased to have seen you.


[Sitting down again.]
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