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Oh! I killed Bunbury this afternoon. I mean poor Bunbury died this

LADY BRA What did he die of? ALG Bunbury? Oh, he was quite

LADY BRA Exploded! Was he the victim of a revolutionary
outrage? I was not aware that Mr. Bunbury was interested in social
legislation. If so, he is well punished for his morbidity.

ALG My dear Aunt Augusta, I mean he was found out! The
doctors found out that Bunbury could not live, that is what I mean-
so Bunbury died.

LADY BRA He seems to have had great confidence in the opinion
of his physicians. I am glad, however, that he made up his mind at
the last to some definite course of action, and acted under proper
medical advice. And now that we have finally got rid of this Mr.
Bunbury, may I ask, Mr. Worthing, who is that young person
whose hand my nephew Algernon is now holding in what seems
to me a peculiarly unnecessary manner? JACK That lady is Miss
Cecily Cardew, my ward.

[Lady Bracknell bows coldly to Cecily.]
ALG I am engaged to be married to Cecily, Aunt Augusta.
LADY BRA I beg your pardon? CEC Mr. Moncrieff and I are
engaged to be married, Lady Bracknell.


[With a shiver, crossing to the sofa and sitting down.]

I do not know whether there is anything peculiarly exciting in the
air of this particular part of Hertfordshire, but the number of
engagements that go on seems to me considerably above the
proper average that statistics have laid down for our guidance. I
think some preliminary enquiry on my part would not be out of

Mr. Worthing, is Miss Cardew at all connected with any of the
larger railway stations in London? I merely desire information.
Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or
persons whose origin was a Terminus.

[Jack looks perfectly furious, but restrains himself.]
[In a clear, cold voice.]
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