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movements of his body, as if he were taking
infinite care not to arouse the passion of his
wounds. As he went on, he seemed always look-
ing for a place, like one who goes to choose a

Something in the gesture of the man as he
waved the bloody and pitying soldiers away
made the youth start as if bitten. He yelled in
horror. Tottering forward he laid a quivering
hand upon the man's arm. As the latter slowly
turned his waxlike features toward him, the
youth screamed:

"Gawd! Jim Conklin!"

The tall soldier made a little commonplace
smile. "Hello, Henry," he said.

The youth swayed on his legs and glared
strangely. He stuttered and stammered. "Oh,
Jim--oh, Jim--oh, Jim--"

The tall soldier held out his gory hand. There
was a curious red and black combination of new
blood and old blood upon it. "Where yeh been,
Henry?" he asked. He continued in a monoto-
nous voice, "I thought mebbe yeh got keeled
over. There 's been thunder t' pay t'-day. I was
worryin' about it a good deal."

The youth still lamented. "Oh, Jim--oh, Jim
--oh, Jim--"

"Yeh know," said the tall soldier, "I was out
there." He made a careful gesture. "An',
Lord, what a circus! An', b'jiminey, I got shot--
I got shot. Yes, b'jiminey, I got shot." He
reiterated this fact in a bewildered way, as if he
did not know how it came about.

The youth put forth anxious arms to assist
him, but the tall soldier went firmly on as if pro-
pelled. Since the youth's arrival as a guardian
for his friend, the other wounded men had ceased
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