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his fingers were picking nervously at one of his
buttons. He bent his head and fastened his eyes
studiously upon the button as if it were a little

The tattered man looked after him in aston-


THE youth fell back in the procession until
the tattered soldier was not in sight. Then he
started to walk on with the others.

But he was amid wounds. The mob of men
was bleeding. Because of the tattered soldier's
question he now felt that his shame could be
viewed. He was continually casting sidelong
glances to see if the men were contemplating the
letters of guilt he felt burned into his brow.

At times he regarded the wounded soldiers
in an envious way. He conceived persons with
torn bodies to be peculiarly happy. He wished
that he, too, had a wound, a red badge of cour-

The spectral soldier was at his side like a
stalking reproach. The man's eyes were still
fixed in a stare into the unknown. His gray,
appalling face had attracted attention in the
crowd, and men, slowing to his dreary pace, were
walking with him. They were discussing his
plight, questioning him and giving him advice.


In a dogged way he repelled them, signing to them
to go on and leave him alone. The shadows of
his face were deepening and his tight lips seemed
holding in check the moan of great despair.

There could be seen a certain stiffness in the
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