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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
accursed system, far beyond what are here shadowed, or can be shadowed? Can it
be otherwise? Is man ever a creature to be trusted with wholly irresponsible
power? And does not the slave system, by denying the slave all legal right of testi-
mony, make every individual owner an irresponsible despot? Can anybody fail to
make the inference what the practical result will be? If there is, as we admit, a
public sentiment among you, men of honor, justice, and humanity, is there not
also another kind of public sentiment among the ruffian, the brutal, and debased?
And cannot the ruffian, the brutal, the debased, by slave law, own just as many
slaves as the best and purest? Are the honorable, the just, the high-minded, and
compassionate, the majority anywhere in this world?

The slave-trade is now, by American law, considered as piracy. But a slave-
trade, as systematic as ever was carried on on the coast of Africa, is an inevitable
attendant and result of American slavery. And its heart-break and its horrors, can
they be told?

The writer has given only a faint shadow, a dim picture, of the anguish and de-
spair that are, at this very moment, riving thousands of hearts, shattering thou-
sands of families, and driving a helpless and sensitive race to frenzy and despair.
There are those living who know the mothers whom this accursed traffic has
driven to the murder of their children; and themselves seeking in death a shelter
from woes more dreaded than death. Nothing of tragedy can be written, can be
spoken, can be conceived, that equals the frightful reality of scenes daily and
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