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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The author hopes she has done justice to that nobility, generosity, and human-
ity, which in many cases characterize individuals at the South. Such instances
save us from utter despair of our kind. But, she asks any person, who knows the
world, are such characters common, anywhere?

For many years of her life, the author avoided all reading upon or allusion to
the subject of slavery, considering it as too painful to be inquired into, and one
which advancing light and civilization would certainly live down. But, since the
legislative act of 185O, when she heard, with perfect surprise and consternation,
Christian and humane people actually recommending the remanding escaped fugi-
tives into slavery, as a duty binding on good citizens,- when she heard, on all
hands, from kind, compassionate, and estimable people, in the free states of the
North, deliberations and discussions as to what Christian duty could be on this
head,- she could only think. These men and Christians cannot know what slavery
is; if they did, such a question could never be open for discussion. And from this
arose a desire to exhibit it in a living dramatic reality. She has endeavored to
show it fairly, in its best and its worst phases. In its best aspect, she has, perhaps,
been successful; but, oh! who shall say what yet remains untold in that valley and
shadow of death, that lies the other side?

To you, generous, noble-minded men and women, of the South,- you, whose
virtue, and magnanimity, and purity of character are the greater for the severer
trial it has encountered,- to you is her appeal. Have you not, in your own secret
souls, in your own private conversings, felt that there are woes and evils, in this
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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