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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I will believe you, Eliza,” said George, rising suddenly up. “I will believe,-
come, let’s be off. Well, indeed,” said he, holding her off at arm’s length, and
looking admiringly at her, “you are a pretty little fellow. That crop of little, short
curls, is quite becoming. Put on your cap. So-a little to one side. I never saw you
look quite so pretty. But, it’s almost time for the carriage;- I wonder if Mrs.
Smyth has got Harry rigged?”

The door opened, and a respectable, middle-aged woman entered, leading lit-
tle Harry, dressed in girl’s clothes.

“What a pretty girl he makes,” said Eliza, turning him round. “We call him
Harriet, you see;- don’t the name come nicely?”

The child stood gravely regarding his mother in her new and strange attire, ob-
serving a profound silence, and occasionally drawing deep sighs, and peeping at
her from under his dark curls.

“Does Harry know mamma?” said Eliza, stretching her hands toward him.

The child clung shyly to the woman.

“Come, Eliza, why do you try to coax him, when you know that he has got to
be kept away from you?”

“I know it’s foolish,” said Eliza; “yet I can’t bear to have him turn away from
me. But come,- where’s my cloak? Here,- how is it men put on cloaks, George?”

“You must wear it so,” said her husband, throwing it over his shoulders.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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