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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“There, now, that’ll do,” she said, taking up a hairbrush; “now for a few fancy

“There, an’t I a pretty young fellow?” she said, turning around to her hus-
band, laughing and blushing at the same time.

“You always will be pretty, do what you will,” said George.

“What does make you so sober?” said Eliza, kneeling on one knee, and laying
her hand on his. “We are only within twenty-four hours of Canada, they say. Only
a day and a night on the lake, and then,- oh, then!-”

“O Eliza!” said George, drawing her towards him; “that is it! Now my fate is
all narrowing down to a point. To come so near, to be almost in sight, and then
lose all. I should never live under it, Eliza.”

“Don’t fear,” said his wife, hopefully. “The good Lord would not have
brought us so far, if he didn’t mean to carry us through. I seem to feel him with
us, George.”

“You are a blessed woman, Eliza!” said George, clasping her with a convul-
sive grasp. “But,- oh, tell me! can this great mercy be for us? Will these years and
years of misery come to an end?- shall we be free?”

“I am sure of it, George,” said Eliza, looking upward, while tears of hope and
enthusiasm shone on her long, dark lashes. “I feel it in me, that God is going to
bring us out of bondage, this very day.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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