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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
more brutal than ever. And, one night, when his mother, in the last agony of her
despair, knelt at his feet, he spurned her from him,- threw her senseless on the
floor, and, with brutal curses, fled to his ship. The next Legree heard of his
mother was, when, one night, as he was carousing among drunken companions, a
letter was put into his hand. He opened it, and a lock of long, curling hair fell
from it, and twined about his fingers. The letter told him his mother was dead,
and that, dying, she blest and forgave him.

There is a dread, unhallowed necromancy of evil, that turns things sweetest
and holiest to phantoms of horror and affright. That pale, loving mother,- her dy-
ing prayers, her forgiving love,- wrought in that demoniac heart of sin only as a
damning sentence, bringing with it a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery in-
dignation. Legree burned the hair, and burned the letter; and when he saw them
hissing and crackling in the flame, inly shuddered as he thought of everlasting
fires. He tried to drink, and revel, and swear away the memory; but often, in the
deep night, whose solemn stillness arraigns the bad soul in forced communion
with herself, he had seen that pale mother rising by his bedside, and felt the soft
twining of that hair around his fingers, till the cold sweat would roll down his
face, and he would spring from his bed in horror. Ye who have wondered to hear,
in the same evangel, that God is love, and that God is a consuming fire, see ye not
how, to the soul resolved in evil, perfect love is the most fearful torture, the seal
and sentence of the direst despair?
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