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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Cassy prepared herself for going out, unobserved by him; and slipped away to
minister to poor Tom, as we have already related.

And what was the matter with Legree? and what was there in a simple curl of
fair hair to appal that brutal man, familiar with every form of cruelty? To answer
this, we must carry the reader backward in his history. Hard and reprobate as the
godless man seemed now, there had been a time when he had been rocked on the
bosom of a mother,- cradled with prayers and pious hymns,- his now seared brow
bedewed with the waters of holy baptism. In early childhood, a fair-haired woman
had led him, at the sound of Sabbath bell, to worship and to pray.

Far in New England that mother had trained her only son, with long, unwea-
ried love, and patient prayers. Born of a hard-tempered sire, on whom that gentle
woman had wasted a world of unvalued love, Legree had followed in the steps of
his father. Boisterous, unruly, and tyrannical, he despised all her counsel, and
would none of her reproof; and, at an early age, broke from her, to seek his for-
tunes at sea. He never came home but once, after; and then, his mother, with the
yearning of a heart that must love something, and has nothing else to love, clung
to him, and sought, with passionate prayers and entreaties, to win him from a life
of sin, to his soul’s eternal good.

That was Legree’s day of grace; then good angels called him; then he was al-
most persuaded, and mercy held him by the hand. His heart inly relented,- there
was a conflict,- but sin got the victory, and he set all the force of his rough nature
against the conviction of his conscience. He drank and swore,- was wilder and
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