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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Tom was hungry with his day’s journey, and almost faint for want of food.

“Thar, yo!” said Quimbo, throwing down a coarse bag, which contained a
peck of corn; “thar, nigger, grab, take car on’t,- yo won’t get no more, dis yer

Tom waited till a late hour, to get a place at the mills; and then, moved by the
utter weariness of two women, whom he saw trying to grind their corn there, he
ground for them, put together the decaying brands of the fire, where many had
baked cakes before them, and then went about getting his own supper. It was a
new kind of work there,- a deed of charity, small as it was; but it woke an answer-
ing touch in their hearts,- an expression of womanly kindness came over their
hard faces; they mixed his cake for him, and tended its baking; and Tom sat down
by the light of the fire, and drew out his Bible,- for he had need of comfort.

“What’s that?” said one of the women.

“A Bible,” said Tom.

“Good Lord! han’t seen un since I was in Kentuck.”

“Was you raised in Kentuck?” said Tom, with interest.

“Yes, and well raised, too; never ‘spected to come to dis yer!” said the
woman, sighing.

“What’s dat ar book, any way?” said the other woman.

“Why, the Bible.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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