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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
gross, unrestricted animal selfishness of human beings, of whom nothing good
was expected and desired; and who, treated in every way like brutes, had sunk as
nearly to their level as it was possible for human beings to do. To a late hour in
the night the sound of grinding was protracted; for the mills were few in number
compared with the grinders, and the weary and feeble ones were driven back by
the strong, and came on last in their turn.

“Ho yo!” said Sambo, coming to the mulatto woman, and throwing down a
bag of corn before her; “what a cuss yo name?”

“Lucy,” said the woman.

“Wal, Lucy, yo my woman now. Yo grind dis yer corn, and get my supper
baked, ye har?”

“I an’t your woman, and I won’t be!” said the woman, with the sharp, sudden
courage of despair; “you go ‘long!”

“I’ll kick yo, then!” said Sambo, raising his foot threateningly.

“Ye may kill me, if ye choose,- the sooner the better! Wish’t I was dead!” said

“I say, Sambo, you go to spilin’ the hands, I’ll tell Mas’r o’ you,” said
Quimbo, who was busy at the mill, from which he had viciously driven two or
three tired women, who were waiting to grind their corn.

“And I’ll tell him ye won’t let the women come to the mills, yo old nigger!”
said Sambo. “Yo jes keep to yo own row.”
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