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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
wares. A third one, on the other side, still unoccupied, was surrounded by a
group, waiting the moment of sale to begin. And here we may recognize the St.
Clare servants,- Tom, Adolph, and others; and there, too, Susan and Emmeline,
awaiting their turn with anxious and dejected faces. Various spectators, intending
to purchase, or not intending, as the case might be, gathered around the group,
handling, examining, and commenting on their various points and faces with the
same freedom that a set of jockeys discuss the merits of a horse.

“Hulloa, Alf! what brings you here?” said a young exquisite, slapping the
shoulder of a sprucely-dressed young man, who was examining Adolph through
an eyeglass.

“Well, I was wanting a valet, and heard that St. Clare’s lot was going. I
thought I’d just look at his-”

“Catch me ever buying any of St. Clare’s people! Spoilt niggers, every one.
Impudent as the devil!” said the other.

“Never fear that!” said the first. “If I get ‘em, I’ll soon have their airs out of
them; they’ll soon find that they’ve another kind of a master to deal with than
Monsieur St. Clare. ‘Pon my word, I’ll buy that fellow. I like the shape of him.”

“You’ll find it’ll take all you’ve got to keep him. He’s deucedly extravagant!”

“Yes, but my lord will find that he can’t be extravagant with me. Just let him
be sent to the calaboose a few times, and thoroughly dressed down! I’ll tell you if
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