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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
lookout on the toilet; injunction passed around to every one to put on their best
face and be spry; and now all arranged in a circle for a last review, before they are
marched up to the Bourse.

Mr. Skeggs, with his palmetto on and his cigar in his mouth, walks around to
put farewell touches on his wares.

“How’s this?” he said, stepping in front of Susan and Emmeline. “Where’s
your curls, gal?”

The girl looked timidly at her mother, who, with the smooth adroitness com-
mon among her class, answers,

“I was telling her, last night, to put up her hair smooth and neat, and not
havin’ it flying about in curls; looks more respectable so.”

“Bother!” said the man, peremptorily, turning to the girl; “you go right along,
and curl yourself real smart!” He added, giving a crack to a rattan he had in his
hand, “And be back in quick time, too!”

“You go and help her,” he added, to the mother. “Them curls may make a hun-
dred dollars difference in the sale of her.”

Beneath a splendid dome were men of all nations, moving to and fro, over the
marble pave. On every side of the circular area were little tribunes, or stations, for
the use of speakers and auctioneers. Two of these, on opposite sides of the area,
were now occupied by brilliant and talented gentlemen, enthusiastically forcing
up, in English and French commingled, the bids of connoisseurs in their various
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