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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
kerchief, of the first quality, and her dress is neatly fitted, and of good material,
showing that she has been provided for with a careful hand. By her side, and nest-
ling close to her, is a young girl of fifteen,- her daughter. She is a quadroon, as
may be seen from her fair complexion, though her likeness to her mother is quite
discernible. She has the same soft, dark eye, with longer lashes, and her curling
hair is of a luxuriant brown. She also is dressed with great neatness, and her
white, delicate hands betray very little acquaintance with servile toil. These two
are to be sold to-morrow, in the same lot with the St. Clare servants; and the gen-
tleman to whom they belong, and to whom the money for their sale is to be trans-
mitted, is a member of a Christian church in New York, who will receive the
money, and go thereafter to the sacrament of his Lord and theirs, and think no
more of it.

These two, whom we shall call Susan and Emmeline, had been the personal at-
tendants of an amiable and pious lady of New Orleans, by whom they had been
carefully and piously instructed and trained. They had been taught to read and
write, diligently instructed in the truths of religion, and their lot had been as
happy a one as in their condition it was possible to be. But the only son of their
protectress had the management of her property; and, by carelessness and extrava-
gance, involved it to a large amount, and at last failed. One of the largest creditors
was the respectable firm of B. & Co., in New York. B. & Co. wrote to their law-
yer in New Orleans, who attached the real estate (these two articles and a lot of
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