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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
All fled in different directions, except Sambo, who, presuming on the favor
which the keeper had to him as a licensed wag, stood his ground, ducking his
head with a facetious grin, whenever the master made a dive at him.

“Lor, Mas’r, ‘tan’t us,- we’s reg’lar stiddy,- it’s these yer new hands; they’s
real aggravatin’,- kinder pickin’ at us, all time!”

The keeper, at this, turned upon Tom and Adolph, and distributing a few kicks
and cuffs without much inquiry, and leaving general orders for all to be good
boys and go to sleep, left the apartment.

While this scene was going on in the men’s sleeping-room, the reader may be
curious to take a peep at the corresponding apartment allotted to the women.
Stretched out in various attitudes over the floor, he may see numberless sleeping
forms of every shade of complexion, from the purest ebony to white, and of all
years, from childhood to old age, lying now asleep. Here is a fine bright girl, of
ten years, whose mother was sold only yesterday, and who to-night cried herself
to sleep when nobody was looking at her. Here, a worn old negress, whose thin
arms and callous fingers tell of hard toil, waiting to be sold to-morrow, as a cast-
off article, for what can be got for her; and some forty or fifty others, with heads
variously enveloped in blankets or articles of clothing, lie stretched around them.

But, in a corner, sitting apart from the rest, are two females of a more interest-
ing appearance than common. One of these is a respectably-dressed mulatto
woman between forty and fifty, with soft eyes and a gentle and pleasing physiog-
nomy. She has on her head a high-raised turban, made of a gay red Madras hand-
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