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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Gineral. Ye see, there’s pints in all pies, Mas’r George; but ‘tain’t everybody
knows what they is, or orter be. But the Gineral, he knows; I knew by his ‘marks
he made. Yes, he knows what de pints is!”

By this time Master George had arrived at that pass to which even a boy can
come (under uncommon circumstances,) when he really could not eat another
morsel and, therefore, he was at leisure to notice the pile of woolly heads and glis-
tening eyes which were regarding their operations hungrily from the opposite cor-

“Here, you Mose, Pete,” he said, breaking off liberal bits, and throwing it at
them; “you want some, don’t you? Come, Aunt Chloe, bake them some cakes.”

And George and Tom moved to a comfortable seat in the chimney-corner,
while Aunt Chloe, after baking a goodly pile of cakes, took her baby on her lap,
and began alternately filling its mouth and her own, and distributing to Mose and
Pete, who seemed rather to prefer eating theirs as they rolled about on the floor
under the table, tickling each other, and occasionally pulling the baby’s toes.

“O! go ‘long, will ye?” said the mother, giving now and then a kick, in a kind
of general way, under the table, when the movement became too obstreperous.
“Can’t ye be decent when white folks comes to see ye? Stop dat ar, now, will ye?
Better mind yerselves, or I’ll take ye down a buttonhole lower, when Mas’r
George is gone!”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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