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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
all kinder ‘seris’ and taken up, dey takes dat ar time to be hangin’ round and
kinder interferin’! Now, Missis, she wanted me to do dis way, and she wanted me
to do dat way; and, finally, I got kinder sarcy, and says I, ‘Now, Missis, do jist
look at them beautiful white hands o’ yourn, with long fingers, and all a-sparkling
with rings, like my white lilies when de dew’s on ‘em; and look at my great black
stumpin’ hands. Now, don’t ye think dat de Lord must have meant me to make de
pie-crust, and you to stay in de parlor?’ Dar! I was jist so sarcy, Mas’r George.”

“And what did mother say?” said George.

“Say?- why, she kinder larfed in her eyes-dem great handsome eyes o’ hern;
and, says she, ‘Well, Aunt Chloe, I think you are about in the right on’t,” says
she; and she went off in de parlor. She oughter cracked me over de head for bein’
so sarcy; but dar’s whar ‘tis-I can’t do nothin’ with ladies in de kitchen!"

“Well, you made out well with that dinner,- I remember everybody said so,”
said George.

“Didn’t I? And wan’t I behind de dinin’-room door dat bery day? and didn’t I
see de Gineral pass his plate three times for some more dat bery pie?- and, says
he, ‘You must have an uncommon cook, Mrs. Shelby.’ Lor! I was fit to split my-

“And de Gineral, he knows what cookin’ is,” said Aunt Chloe, drawing her-
self up with an air. “Bery nice man, de Gineral! He comes of one of de bery fust-
est families in Old Virginny! He knows what’s what, now, as well as I do-de
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