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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Miss Ophelia turned it out. There was a small book, which had been given to
Topsy by Eva, containing a single verse of Scripture, arranged for every day in
the year, and in a paper the curl of hair that she had given her on that memorable
day when she had taken her last farewell.

St. Clare was a good deal affected at the sight of it: the little book had been
rolled in a long strip of black crape, torn from the funeral weeds.

“What did you wrap this round the book for?” said St. Clare, holding up the

“Cause,- cause,- cause ‘twas Miss Eva. O, don’t take ‘em away, please!” she
said; and, sitting flat down on the floor, and putting her apron over her head, she
began to sob vehemently.

It was a curious mixture of the pathetic and the ludicrous,-the little old stock-
ing,-black crape,- text-book,- fair, soft curl,- and Topsy’s utter distress.

St. Clare smiled; but there were tears in his eyes, as he said,

“Come, come,- don’t cry; you shall have them!” and, putting them together he
threw them into her lap, and drew Miss Ophelia with him into the parlor.

“I really think you can make something of that concern,” he said, pointing
with his thumb backward over his shoulder.

“Any mind that is capable of a real sorrow is capable of good. You must try
and do something with her.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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