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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
tue. Topsy did not become at once a saint; but the life and death of Eva did work
a marked change in her. The callous indifference was gone; there was now sensi-
bility, hope, desire, and the striving for good,- a strife irregular, interrupted, sus-
pended oft, but yet renewed again.

One day, when Topsy had been sent for by Miss Ophelia, she came, hastily
thrusting something into her bosom.

“What are you doing there, you limb? You’ve been stealing something, I’ll be
bound,” said the imperious little Rosa, who had been sent to call her, seizing her,
at the same time, roughly by the arm.

“You go ‘long, Miss Rosa!” said Topsy, pulling from her; “’tan’t none of your

“None o’ your sa’ce!” said Rosa. “I saw you hiding something,- I know yer
tricks,” and Rosa seized her arm, and tried to force her hand into her bosom,
while Topsy, enraged, kicked and fought valiantly for what she considered her
rights. The clamor and confusion of the battle drew Miss Ophelia and St. Clare
both to the spot.

“She’s been stealing!” said Rosa.

“I han’t neither!” vociferated Topsy, sobbing with passion.

“Give me that, whatever it is!” said Miss Ophelia, firmly.

Topsy hesitated; but, on a second order, pulled out of her bosom a little parcel
done up in the foot of one of her own old stockings.
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