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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“If you love me, you must not interrupt me so. Listen to what I say. I want to
speak to you about your souls.... Many of you, I am afraid, are very careless. You
are thinking only about this world. I want you to remember that there is a beauti-
ful world, where Jesus is. I am going there, and you can go there. It is for you, as
much as me. But, if you want to go there, you must not live idle, careless, thought-
less lives. You must be Christians. You must remember that each one of you can
become angels, and be angels forever.... If you want to be Christians, Jesus will
help you. You must pray to Him; you must read-”

The child checked herself, looked piteously at them, and said, sorrowfully,

“O, dear! you can’t read,- poor souls!” and she hid her face in the pillow and
sobbed, while many a smothered sob from those she was addressing, who were
kneeling on the floor, aroused her.

“Never mind,” she said, raising her face and smiling brightly through her
tears, “I have prayed for you; and I know Jesus will help you, even if you can’t
read. Try all to do the best you can; pray every day; ask Him to help you, and get
the Bible read to you whenever you can; and I think I shall see you all in heaven.”

“Amen,” was the murmured response from the lips of Tom and Mammy, and
some of the elder ones, who belonged to the Methodist church. The younger and
more thoughtless ones, for the time completely overcome, were sobbing, with
their heads bowed upon their knees.

“I know,” said Eva, “you all love me.”
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