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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Miss Ophelia despatched a messenger, and soon the whole of the servants
were convened in the room.

Eva lay back on her pillows; her hair hanging loosely about her face, her crim-
son cheeks contrasting painfully with the intense whiteness of her complexion
and the thin contour of her limbs and features, and her large, soul-like eyes fixed
earnestly on every one.

The servants were struck with a sudden emotion. The spiritual face, the long
locks of hair cut off and lying by her, her father’s averted face and Marie’s sobs,
struck at once upon the feelings of a sensitive and impressible race; and, as they
came in, they looked one on another, sighed, and shook their heads. There was a
deep silence, like that of a funeral.

Eva raised herself, and looked long and earnestly round at every one. All
looked sad and apprehensive. Many of the women hid their faces in their aprons.

“I sent for you all, my dear friends,” said Eva, “because I love you. I love you
all; and I have something to say to you, which I want you always to remember.... I
am going to leave you. In a few more weeks, you will see me no more-”

Here the child was interrupted by bursts of groans, sobs, and lamentations,
which broke from all present, and in which her slender voice was lost entirely.
She waited a moment, and then, speaking in a tone that checked the sobs of all,
she said,
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