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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Laws! I an’t a proposin’ nothin’; only Sam he said der was one of dese yer
perfectioners, dey calls ‘em, in Louisville, said he wanted a good hand at cake
and pastry; and said he’d give four dollars a week to one, he did.”

“Well, Chloe.”

“Well, laws, I’s a-thinkin, Missis, it’s time Sally was put along to be doing
something. Sally’s been under my care, now, dis some time, and she does most as
well as me, considerin’; and if Missis would only let me go, I would help fetch up
de money. I an’t afraid to put my cake, nor pies nother, ‘long side no perfec-

“Confectioner’s, Chloe.”

“Law sakes, Missis! ‘tan’t no odds;- words is so curis, can’t never get ‘em

“But, Chloe, do you want to leave your children?”

“Laws, Missis! de boys is big enough to do day’s works; dey does well
enough; and Sally, she’ll take de baby,- she’s such a peart young ‘un, she won’t
take no lookin’ arter.”

“Louisville is a good way off.”

“Law sakes! who’s afeard?- it’s down river, somer near my old man, per-
haps?” said Chloe, speaking the last in the tone of a question, and looking at Mrs.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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