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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“La sakes!” she would say, “I can’t see; one jis good as turry,- poetry suthin
good, anyhow;” and so poetry Chloe continued to call it.

Mrs. Shelby smiled as she saw a prostrate lot of chickens and ducks, over
which Chloe stood, with a very grave face of consideration.

“I’m a thinkin’ whether Missis would be a-havin’ a chicken pie o’ dese yer.”

“Really, Aunt Chloe, I don’t much care;- serve them any way you like.”

Chloe stood handling them over abstractedly; it was quite evident that the
chickens were not what she was thinking of. At last, with the short laugh with
which her tribe often introduce a doubtful proposal, she said,

“Laws me, Missis! what should Mas’r and Missis be a troublin’ theirselves
‘bout de money, and not a usin’ what’s right in der hands?” and Chloe laughed

“I don’t understand you, Chloe,” said Mrs. Shelby, nothing doubting, from
her knowledge of Chloe’s manner, that she had heard every word of the conversa-
tion that had passed between her and her husband.

“Why, laws me, Missis!” said Chloe, laughing again, “other folks hires out
der niggers and makes money on ‘em! Don’t keep sich a tribe eatin’ ‘em out of
house and home.”

“Well, Chloe, who do you propose that we should hire out?”
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