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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
eye. I kept back the dogs and the party, as they came pressing up, and claimed
him as my prisoner. It was all I could do to keep them from shooting him, in the
flush of success; but I persisted in my bargain, and Alfred sold him to me. Well, I
took him in hand, and in one fortnight I had him tamed down as submissive and
tractable as heart could desire.”

“What in the world did you do to him?” said Marie.

“Well, it was quite a simple process. I took him to my own room, had a good
bed made for him, dressed his wounds, and tended him myself, until he got fairly
on his feet again. And, in process of time, I had free papers made out for him, and
told him he might go where he liked.”

“And did he go?” said Miss Ophelia.

“No. The foolish fellow tore the paper in two, and absolutely refused to leave
me. I never had a braver, better fellow,- trusty and true as steel. He embraced
Christianity afterwards, and became as gentle as a child. He used to oversee my
place on the lake, and did it capitally, too. I lost him the first cholera season. In
fact, he laid down his life for me. For I was sick, almost to death; and when,
through the panic, everybody else fled, Scipio worked for me like a giant, and ac-
tually brought me back into life again. But, poor fellow! he was taken, right after,
and there was no saving him. I never felt anybody’s loss more.”

Eva had come gradually nearer and nearer to her father, as he told the story,-
her small lips apart, her eyes wide and earnest with absorbing interest.
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