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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“You!” said Marie; “well, I’d be glad to know when you ever did anything of
the sort.”

“Well, he was a powerful, gigantic fellow,- a native-born African; and he ap-
peared to have the rude instinct of freedom in him to an uncommon degree. He
was a regular African lion. They called him Scipio. Nobody could do anything
with him; and he was sold round from overseer to overseer, till at last Alfred
bought him, because he thought he could manage him. Well, one day he knocked
down the overseer, and was fairly off into the swamps. I was on a visit to Alf’s
plantation, for it was after we had dissolved partnership. Alfred was greatly exas-
perated; but I told him that it was his own fault, and laid him any wager that I
could break the man; and finally it was agreed that, if I caught him, I should have
him to experiment on. So they mustered out a party of some six or seven, with
guns and dogs, for the hunt. People, you know, can get up just as much enthusi-
asm in hunting a man as a deer, if it is only customary; in fact, I got a little ex-
cited myself, though I had only put in as a sort of mediator, in case he was caught.

“Well, the dogs bayed and howled, and we rode and scampered, and finally
we started him. He ran and bounded like a buck, and kept us well in the rear for
some time; but at last he got caught in an impenetrable thicket of cane; then he
turned to bay, and I tell you he fought the dogs right gallantly. He dashed them to
right and left, and actually killed three of them with only his naked fists, when a
shot from a gun brought him down, and he fell, wounded and bleeding, almost at
my feet. The poor fellow looked up at me with manhood and despair both in his
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