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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“This is perfectly horrible!” said Miss Ophelia; “you ought to be ashamed of

“I don’t know as I am. We are in pretty good company, for all that,” said St.
Clare, “as people in the broad road generally are. Look at the high and the low, all
the world over, and it’s the same story,- the lower class used up, body, soul, and
spirit, for the good of the upper. It is so in England; it is so everywhere; and yet
all Christendom stands aghast, with virtuous indignation, because we do the thing
in a little different shape from what they do it.”

“It isn’t so in Vermont.”

“Ah, well, in New England, and in the free States, you have the better of us, I
grant. But there’s the bell; so, cousin, let us for a while lay aside our sectional
prejudices, and come out to dinner.”

As Miss Ophelia was in the kitchen in the latter part of the afternoon, some of
the sable children called out, “La, sakes! thar’s Prue a-coming, grunting along
like she allers does.”

A tall, bony, colored woman now entered the kitchen, bearing on her head a
basket of rusks and hot rolls.

“Ho, Prue! you’ve come,” said Dinah.

Prue had a peculiar, scowling expression of countenance, and a sullen, grum-
bling voice. She set down her basket, squatted herself down, and resting her el-
bows on her knees said,
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